Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Absolutrific April

Well this last week flew by and I enjoyed the ride! I finally "washed that grey right out of my hair" from Shan, and it was so fun! She actually wanted to do a different color on me, so I trusted her and we did it!  I was kind of scared, but you can only really tell unless I am in the sun...it has a hint of red! I love it! I feel like a brand new woman...I'm so easily pleased when it comes to the simple pleasures of just getting your hair colored! My hair feels like heaven! I also got a a little trim as well and I love the cut! I truly love Shan for all that she does for me and my hair! She's a Godsend! After I went with Jessica to find some make-up as she is going to be on "Good Things Utah" on Friday and meeting some very special people! (more details to come) We were pampered by Robb at the La Mer counter...after spending over $850, that is Jessica...we were in shock when we actually looked at the receipt. Shame on Robb...what does he think we're made of? Someone will be returning some items very soon! :) At least we walked out with some awesome samples and an appointment to get made up by La Mer in two weeks! :)  Should be fun!

On Friday we started preparing Melo for his trip to Las Vegas.  He was to attend two meetings with some potential clients, that we are crossing our fingers with!  I worked that day and then went to go get his car from the rental shop.  Melo then surprised me with tickets to the Utah Opera.  Verdi's Requiem.  It was the most exquisite performance.  I thoroughly enjoyed it and especially because Melo thought of it.  He was so excited to take me.  He made us dinner...fish and salad...one of my favorites and then got ready.  This time however, I have to tell you I really enjoyed the evening...when we go out sometimes I tend to get very uneasy because I want to be on time, etc., but, even though we were running short on time, I remained very calm that evening.  I found that we were running late, but I just said to myself...Enjoy the Moment, Amy! We got downtown and we had to park a little ways away from Abravanel Hall...but again...I said "Enjoy the Moment!"  So we had a very nice walk! Ü  We got inside...and the performance had already started...again...I said, "Amy, it's okay!"  So we went in after the first two pieces and just slipped in and enjoyed the rest of the evening!  We had wonderful seats! It was very relaxing and just a perfect evening.  After Melo took me to SetteBello's gelato shop.  It was heaven!  Then we jetted to the store to grab some last minute things he needed to take on his trip and we got home, he packed and we went to bed...as I was laying there I started thinking to myself...that I didn't want him to go.  How was I going to be without him?  Mind that I usually tell Melo..."hey I need my space...can you go somewhere for a while"...and then when he does...I fall apart. :) (Not completely...hahaha) 

He left early on Saturday morning and I was pretty sad, but so glad for these great opportunities.  He and his friend Francisco went and I think they just needed a "boyz weekend"...Melo was great to keep me updated and that he had made it.  I get so nervous when he drives on long trips..especially when others are driving along with them...nowadays you just never know if someone is going to cross the median or something crazy...so I tend to get a little nervous, but they made it and in good time!

That day I worked and had a great day...I actually may have sold a piano! I hope that my customers come back and buy the piano! :)  All day Saturday all I could think about was where I was going afterwards. I had the opportunity to go to the opening game of the Real SL soccer game! Jessica had bought tickets for her family and friends and we were going to see Jonah, as he was granted his Make-A-Wish wish!  It was a two day extravaganza as he was able to go to the Rio Tinto Stadium the day before and go to the Real's practice.  He met Kyle Beckerman and had a limo ride with David Archuleta.  It was so awesome.  They had an action packed day on Friday as they started with being on t.v. on "Good Things Utah" where Jonah was told what he was going to be doing that day...(practice with Kyle Beckerman and then get a ride with David Archuleta!) He was so cute on t.v. and was soooo happy! They then were presented with tickets to the Blaze game to see David in concert that same evening.  Jonah was speechless! Jess told me that Jonah and David sang "Touch my Hand" during the limo ride and they had a fun time together...at the Blaze game they spent the entire time with David in the suite...Jessica said it was AWESOME!  Then on Saturday night, we went to the opening game and Jonah was out there on the field with the team as they were receiving their championship rings, etc. and guess what?  Jonah was presented with his own Championship ring! It was awesome.  Jessica was all over the news and had such a great night!  Then the biggest surprise of all was  David Archuleta inviting Jonah to sing with him at half-time.  Jonah was adorable...  I cried during the performance! It was so endearing.  From hearing Jonah singing the song over and over and over, over the year...and then finally he gets to meet David and sing it with him at the stadium...it was just so amazing!  His wish came true!  HE totally deserved those wonderful two days. He is such a fabulous little boy! 

After I went to dinner with Audra, Dalene, Melissa, Darren and Mindy.  We had a great time and got to see the news and Jonah was on it! It was brilliant!

On Sunday, I enjoyed a quiet morning and decided to call up my friend Evie to go grab a tea! We ended up meeting at Oasis and enjoyed the afternoon talking for about 2 1/2 hours.  It was time well spent as we were able to really catch up and enjoy one another's company! She's amazing and has so many wonderful things happening in her life.  She's truly an inspiration to me!

That same night Melo returned home.  I was so happy! He was so anxious to just relax, so we just bumbed around and went to bed.  I can't blame him as he drove straight through and was pretty pooped! 

The next day he had some things to do in the morning and I jetted off to work.  I actually had an appointment to go to the Dr.'s for this dumb acid reflux that I've been battling with! I finally have a endoscopy scheduled and I hope we can get to the bottom of this terrible condition.  After I went back to work and then jetted to my Zumba! I love that my friend Cinthya got me started with Zumba...it is the best! Now Jessica, Evie and Teri are attending.  We have a lot of fun!  It was a fabulous class yesterday and I'm feeling it today! :)  After Melo brought me home dinner after attending the VIP reception for the Anne Frank Exhibition which just started.  I was suppose to attend, but I had to go to Zumba...can't miss that!  Ü 

Today I went to work at the University of Utah.  Virginia Tanner is getting ready for their Spring concert! The girls are all so cute and so excited to be performing in the next few weeks. I can't believe how fast time has gone this semester! It is crazy...but I have thoroughly enjoyed this semester up there playing the piano!  Today I could hardly wait until class ended as I was meeting up with my good friend Sally to get pedicures.  We thoroughly enjoyed it as we got to sit in massage chairs and have a little pampering done to our feet!  It was too fun! I now have purple toes!  It was a fun time catching up with Sally and just enoying the afternoon! She is the best!

I can't believe how this week flew, but it truly has been another great week! :)