Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Disorganized? Well then organize and then reorganize....UGH!

Well this explains my last month. I keep telling myself that I am disorganized, therefore I try to organize and then to my realization, I have to reorganize. Why the viscious cycle? Not only am I trying to organize my home, but I really need to start re-organizing my life. Ü I get so caught up in working, trying to fill every existing minute with something productive that when I find time to myself, I feel guilty. It's crazy. So I decided to make some changes. Little by little, right?

I guess what I have to do is change my mindset. So here it goes...I was doing some reading this evening and this is what I found:

"Want what you have. We cram our spaces and schedules with more and more, yet we still aren't content. Just clearing the decks isn't enough. You have to be clear on what your values are and what you truly want."

Pay attention to your limitations. "We tend to overestimate what we can do and underestimate the amount of time it takes to do it."

Take time to recharge. Take one day off per week. "Practice the three 'R's of life organization: rest, relax and renew." "Stop filling every second of your life with activity. Don't hide behind the excuse of overload — commit to make room on a daily basis for the things that matter most."

After all, isn't that the reason you were getting organized in the first place?"

This was such a perfect read. The trick is to try and follow the advice...wish me luck!